Estonia’s very own natural Stonehenge

There is something soothing about big stones. But huge stones are almost magical!
Feel the ancient power when visiting the ”Rändrahnud” nature park,
which was formed by rocks and is one of the most mystical places on the islands of Pakri.


Stones full of surprises

Stones may symbolise permanency, but boulders do not. It might sound unbelievable but the giant rocks found on the islands once migrated there from the far north.

However, not every big rock is a boulder! Only rocks with a diameter of at least 10 metres can be called boulders. Both Väike and Suur-Pakri islands have their own star boulders called Suurkivi, with a breath-taking diameter of 21 metres.

NB! Folklore says that whichever Suurkivi you touch will help you fulfil your heart’s desire. Come and try this for yourself!

What else is there to see on Pakri islands?

In addition to the boulders, you will find meadows with rich flora. Among the rarer plants, the fen orchid – one of the orchids on the island, and the sand pink can be found. In spring, you can admire the blooming convallaria fields.

The Pakri Islands, which are protected, are home to many exciting bird species. The attentive guest can meet the long-tailed duck, the great crested grebe, lark, Falconiformes and many others – even the sea eagle.

Pakri saared 2

When to visit?

The most beautiful time to visit the Pakri islands is in spring and summer, when nature is blooming, and the weather is enjoyable. Hike the islands with your family or come for a picnic with colleagues. The sea transfer takes place from May to September.


Pakri saaded Arabella

How to visit?

The islands can be reached by boat from Kurkse haven on the Arabella, which seats up to 11 passengers.

  • Order a transfer and wander around the islands on your own.
  • Or explore the mysterious islands by joining our sea safari.

Contact us and we will find the most suitable trip for you!

What Visitors have to Say


"Mystical islands, it feels like you're in the desert, but there's no sand. You can feel the rocky ground. The islands seem to radiate warmth and peace. You get the feeling that time stands still, even my own thoughts stopped. A mystical experience!"


"We visited the islands together with my own and my friend’s family. We packed the camping goods the previous day. The food and drinks were in our backpacks. For the first half of the day, we wandered around the endless flower fields. I still remember the sweet scent of convallarias. For lunch, we found a beautiful picnic spot on a bridge between two islands. Everything was perfect! The best I can wish for my family – time spent together in nature. The kids even forgot about their smartphones. ???? These islands won over our hearts!"

Copyright © 2020 Pakri Saarte Arendamise Sihtasutus

Copyright © 2020 Pakri Saarte Arendamise Sihtasutus